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Greater Daytona WOAMTEC Chapter
Vince Carter Restaurant
Tuesday, December 13th
(every other Tuesday

This is an opportunity for you to come meet other business owners and to really learn what WOAMTEC is all about.
The Daytona area is a wonderful place with many businesses that have great potential to expand,
grow and increase their sales.

What WOAMTEC Is All About

We have received a great response from these e-Newsletters, from people I run into saying they would like to be a guest to people joining, but lately I have received some questions from people asking me what WOAMTEC is all about. Below is a brief description.

WOAMTEC - Women On A Mission To Earn Commission
A networking group that started out for women only and has grown so much that we now allow a "few good Men" as members. Based on Faith, Family, and Career to build relationships and grow business in the community. People are always doing business- even in a poor economy- they just want to do business with people they know and trust!
This isn't your typical networking group-this is for people who realize the value in helping others grow their business will ultimately grow their business in return.

For more information on WOAMTEC please visit their website or join us for one of our bi-weekly luncheons at Vince Carter's.


Born in 1971, I seriously believe I came out singing from what my family tells me.  As a small child, I used to embarrass my sister by climbing up on restaurant tables to sing for everyone. At an early age my mother began giving voice lessons to various students at the Christian school I attended and also began giving me lessons as well. Later, in early adulthood I trained under the

instruction of Ms. Alyne Archer at the prestigious, Engel School of Music in Orlando, FL.  In my early twenties, I also began a career in the acting industry. I graduated from Lisa Maile, Image, Modeling and Acting school and trained further under the instruction of Ken and Valerie Grant, at KVG studios. I was pretty successful in a short amount of time and loved the industry!

I suffered a very severe loss in my life, and began making really horrible decisions in my life which caused me to just give it all up!  I had lost my passion for everything! 

When I turned my life back over to the one who gave me life (God), I started to feel alive again.  I founded a non-profit organization and began using the gifts and talents God had given me...to help others. It brought me so much life. One of those areas was also re-engaging in music. God had been speaking to me for years about that, but I never fully embraced my passion until 2008.  I kinda had an "it's now or never" moment.

So, here I am, doing the things I love to do, and continuing to walk through the doors God opens for me.  


Tuesday, December 13th

There is a lot of things going on in our community and a lot of business being done this holiday season...Make it with your business! Spreading the word of each other's business, bringing in new and repeat customers is the key to success.

Come learn about our members and what WOAMTEC has to offer you, individually and as a business owner. Guests are invited so please spread the word.

All members have 1 minute to talk about their business and what leads would be helpful for them.

Highlight your business to thousands of people. All members are welcome to send in their picture and bio to be spotlighted on our bi weekly newsletter. The e-Newsletter goes out to over 2,000 people!

For any questions concerning the Greater Daytona WOAMTEC chapter or WOAMTEC itself please call or e-mail the director Sabrina Ciceri (information below) or visit WOAMTEC.com.

GreaterDaytonaWOAMTEC Director:

Sabrina Ciceri
Think Healthy Magazine
Sabrina Messmer
The Callan Group

Have no time to do your own e-newsletter? Frustrated with what you have already? Contact us for more information: The Callan Group
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